Pastor Gary Fishman is a Jewish believer in Jesus who ministers with a heart for seeing a restoration of true New Testament Christianity. Gary’s primary teaching emphasis is on understanding the Jewish roots of our faith as well as equipping the body of Chris in the prophetic gifts through classes, seminars, workshops and conferences. Gary is currently the Associate Pastor of Sanctuary Fellowship in the Bronx, NY. He is also the author of three books; Dream Interpretation a Beginner’s Manual and Dictionary, Distorted Images of God’s Heart and The Fugitive Prophet. He is a co-founder of the Dreams Network (www.dreamsnetwork.tv) as well as IMPAKT, which is a monthly mentoring program.

Julie Ramjit was born into a Hindu family in the Caribbean country of Trinidad, was saved at a young age and started attention church. She lived for many years in Trinidad but has since moved to the UK over nine years ago. where she worships at one of the UK’s largest full gospel gathering. Being a dreamer herself, she was rarely able to find anyone who could interpret her dreams until her brother one day found Pastor Gary’s dream show and submitted her dream without her knowledge. She has since connected with Pastor Gary and his dream team and has come under the pastoral and paternal guidance of Pastor Gary. Julie is now one of the dream interpreters working under the mentorship of Pastor Gary as she hopes to fulfil the purpose and calling of God upon her life.

Hi, I’m Scott Blauch. A native of Pittsburgh, I later became a believer while serving as a paratrooper. Like most of us, my heart was stirred when I would read about the abundance of miraculous God-encounters in the scriptures. It wasn’t until 2010, however, that I began to understand that not only is the church still called to “be not hearers only”, but we are still invited to DO the same things Jesus did, even greater things! I began to seek out like-minded Christians, received training, and have been experiencing the joy of actually “doing the stuff”, monthly serving in healing rooms and prophecy rooms. For nearly five years I have been studying and interpreting dreams under Gary Fishman’s tutelage.

Jennifer Lescano is a mother, blogger, public speaker, and author of several children’s books. At the age of nine, she gave her heart to the Lord. Although Jennifer was able to hear the voice of the Lord from a young age she didn’t realize she was prophesying. She had prophetic dreams from a young age and spent most of her life lusting after prophecy and longing for mentorship. During Jennifer’s teenage years, the Holy Spirit used prophetic dreams to teach and guide her through the gifts of healing and miracles. Jennifer’s desire is to be for others what she longed for herself by creating a safe place in prophetic ministry through writing and other means. Her passion is to help believers walk in freedom and know the voice of a loving heavenly Father.In addition to Jennifer’s passion for prophetic ministry, her desire is to see the broken hearted healed which has been the inspiration for many of her books. Jennifer and her husband Joe, are active in ministry at Heaven’s Invasion and make prophetic evangelism part of their everyday family life.

Moonsun Jung is a mother of two beautiful children, a wife, and an educator. She got saved at a very young age but had an encounter with the Holy Spirit at the age of seventeen that changed her relationship with the Father God completely. Since the spring of 2018, God has opened up a new way to communicate with her through dreams. As she was seeking to find the meaning of her dreams, she met Pastor Gary. Moonsun has been receiving mentorship from Pastor Gary and is growing in her prophetic gifting of interpreting the dreams. She is currently attending Daystar church and is part of their prophetic and inner healing ministry teams.

Kimberly Burnett is a proud wife and mother of two girls who has been serving the Lord for over 20 years. She has worked along side her husband in many areas of ministry, including teaching bible studies, leading prayer meetings, and raising funds to support foreign missionaries in the field. She is an entrepreneur and has several years of experience working in the commercial construction industry. A few years ago, Kimberly began feeling like God was speaking to her though her dreams. She started looking for guidance to help her fully understand what she was experiencing. The Lord lead her to Dreams Network online. Pastor Gary skilfully deciphered God’s messages in Kimberly’s dreams and began mentoring her in the ministry of dream interpretation. Kimberly has been profoundly blessed by this new area of ministry and loves helping others understand what God is telling them through their dreams.